Monday, March 5, 2012

Alabama shirt and a skirt

After I finished up my Alabama Shirt, I searched my closet in vain for something to wear with it.  Sadness!  Depression!  Tears!  There was nothing.  (Actually there were no tears.)

Even though I don't wear skirts very much, I figured that making one to match the shirt would be a good plan.  Skirts are relatively very easy to sew, especially a basic one without any pockets or embellishment.  Plus, I had a heavy tan canvas material in my stash that I scored for free off of craigslist, for which I never had the foggiest plan.  It is fairly stiff material and not a color that I wear much - basically useless.  Even if I only wore the skirt very occasionally, that would still be a solid improvement in the number of times I could wear the doesn't-match-anything shirt.  Plus, it would transform that space-hogging hunk of fabric into something wearable. 

So without further ado, here it is:

 I mentioned earlier the shirt's problem with the neckline, near the arms.  Oh well.

The skirt pattern was self-drafted, and I was going for a cutely flared A-line.  While in progress, I asked DH if he thought it should flare a little more at the bottom.  He looked, pondered, and then said "How about LESS?"  He followed that up with "I know it would be harder to walk but it would be sexy."  So, advice in hand, I went back to my pattern and flared it a little more. I have fabric left, though, so I may sew one according to DH's specifications instead of putting the fabric back in the drawer.

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